How do I book a session?
EnglishScore Tutors offers personalised, 1-2-1 tutoring sessions with tutors based all around the world. Sessions are booked in your local time and our platform runs on a 24-hour clock. If you would like to book a session, please follow these steps:
Step 1 - Search for a tutor
Step 2 - Select a tutor
Step 3 - Select a time slot that works for you
Step 4 - Press book
Step 5 - Press confirm your booking on the next page
After these steps, you should have booked your session - well done!
If you are having a problem booking, please double check your tutor’s availability. Not all tutors are available for trial sessions.
Please see our article if you have already used your trial session and cannot book your second session.
You can contact us at if you are still having issues.